JeeJee Guan, UI Designer, Front-end learner.
Hi there, I'm JeeJee Guan, a digital product UI designer. I'm also passionate about front-end development and constantly seeking to learn more in this area. I'm currently working at JiHu GitLab, where I design the UX for marketing website.
UI design and front-end development are closely related, they're practically next to each other at neighboring workstations(lol). However, they can also feel worlds apart, enough to vent in different WeChat channels. As a UI designer, there are times of achievement and times of defeat. It's a common belief that hard work should directly lead to success, but this is often more of an idealistic hope. The frustration comes from everyone involved in the collaborative process, from those upstream to downstream, feeling entitled to offer their perspective on visually-led UI design. The higher the rank, the more important the opinion. And in most cases, the synonym for design becomes compromise, where compromise and frustration frequently go hand in hand.
Whether driven by the desire to escape the frustration of being nitpicked or simply by a curiosity for knowledge, I've been drawn to learn the coding that underpins the visuals. There's a straightforward belief that, coding tends to attract fewer critiques and directives compared to design work, which makes me feel much brighter and happier.
JeeJee Guan
Familiar with UI design, learning Vue, Three.js and T2I AI models.